Outreach Team Ministers in Downtown Atlanta, Georgia

A Glory to God Meeting community outreach was held on Saturday morning, July 31st downtown Atlanta, GA. The outreach team served those that were in need of essential packets that included personal hygiene items, face masks, hand sanitizers, clothes, shoes, biscuits, bottled water, and New Testament Bibles. 

The mission was truly a blessing to the outreach team and the individuals served. The experience was humbling, rewarding, and spiritually uplifting for all involved.  Many were blessed through prayers, encouragement, and the presence of the Holy Spirit. There were many tears shed, many hugs were given, joyful laughter, smiles, and glorious testimonies afterward. Our mission is to Touch Lives and Inspire Glorious Change not only through outreach but through sharing our own testimonies! 

To God be the Glory! 

Paige Isaac