Thank you to everyone who attended the River of Life Women's Conference on March 15th! Your presence was a true blessing, and we pray that healing and deliverance were your portion and filled your heart with joy.
Read MoreCelebrated annually on March 26, Epilepsy Awareness Day, or Purple Day, was created to increase the public’s understanding of this brain disorder and to eliminate the fear and stigma surrounding it.
Read MoreAmerican Diabetes Alert Day is observed annually on the fourth Tuesday of March and this year, it falls on March 25. It is aimed at raising awareness about the risks and symptoms associated with diabetes among the American public.
Read MoreSince 2012, Nutrition and Hydration Week has been held every full third week in March. It takes place from March 10 to 16 this year. Nutrition and Hydration Week was shifted to June in 2021 because of the strains on health and social care services at the time.
Read MoreThis Sleep Awareness Week® from March 9 to 15 is time to snuggle up and catch some Zs because you deserve some rest! Admit it, it’s likely you don’t let yourself get enough sleep. It’s not your fault, life is demanding.
Read MoreDissociative Identity Disorder Awareness Day takes place on March 5 annually. The day is used to create awareness about D.I.D. People who have D.I.D. may feel like they have multiple personalities living in their bodies.
Read MoreAs implied by the name, “Caffeine Awareness Month,” March is the perfect time to take stock of your intake of this alertness-inducing chemical. That’s because, despite the growing popularity and variety of teas and other decaffeinated morning brews, tens of millions of Americans begin each day with a cup or two, or more, of coffee.
Read MoreWorld Teen Mental Wellness Day is observed across the globe on March 2 every year. It is a day that aims to raise awareness about the mental health issues that teenagers deal with.
Read MoreNo Brainer Day is celebrated annually on February 27. Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith is believed to have founded the holiday in the U.S. to encourage people to keep things simple and resolve situations calmly without stress.
Read MoreOur bodies crave protein. It’s a “macronutrient” after all. National Protein Day, on February 27, focuses on the health benefits of one of the body’s most basic building blocks. Remember, protein helps develop bones, skin, cartilage, and blood — while promoting weight loss and increased muscle mass. It can also help us stay fit throughout all stages of life.
Read MoreEating Disorders Awareness Week (EDAW) is an annual campaign to educate the public about the realities of eating disorders and to provide hope and visibility to individuals and loved ones impacted by eating disorders. This also is a time to demonstrate our commitment to the early diagnosis and effective treatment of eating disorders.
Read MoreAlzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Staff Education Week is held every year from February 14 to February 21. This education week is dedicated to enlightening health healthcare workers treating Alzheimer’s disease and dementia patients on newer approaches and practices so that they can better help these patients.
Read MoreCHD Awareness Week takes place every year from February 7 to February 14. CHD Awareness Week is essential for creating awareness about the disease and raising more funds for research that will save lives.
Read MoreTime to Talk Day, February 6, draws attention to mental health and the importance of reaching out to others. The day aims to help people open up and be honest about mental health, without the fear and stigma often attached to the topic.
Read MoreEach year, National Heart Health Month is observed in February. The month is a very important period during the year. Awareness is created about the various heart conditions, and it goes a long way to help reduce the rate at which heart-related diseases are taking the lives of people.
Read MoreSelf-Renewal Day is celebrated every year in the United States on February 2. The aim is to help more people improve themselves and enhance their skills. Self-renewal can refer to anything done every day for personal growth. It usually requires stepping out of comfort zones and trying things that enhance growth and maturity.
Read MoreWorld Leprosy Day, observed on the last Sunday in January annually, aims to create awareness about a disease that many people believe to be extinct, especially in developed countries. The day aims to educate people about the disease and draw attention to those afflicted by it.
Read MoreWe observe International We Are Not Broken Day on January 17. The day creates awareness about the fact that, despite what society thinks of individuals with a history of physical and emotional trauma, mental illness, amputations, or disorders that seem invisible, they are human beings — and our neighbors.
Read MoreWomen’s Healthy Weight Day falls on every Thursday of the third full week in January, and we have something very important to tell you… you look ravishing today! Each of us is unique in our own way. A healthy weight is the natural body weight in relation to height. Being healthy is defined by physical, mental, and social well-being, which means getting the right amount of nutrition, exercise, mental stability, and sleep.
Read MorePaget’s Awareness Day, on January 11, is all about educating others on the effects of this bone disease. Bones, like blood, skin, and organs, continually repair and renew throughout human life.
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